Thursday 15 May 2008

Halo Wars Wave 1 Graphics.

Well half of the new Halo Wars Addict graphics are up. However the current banner is just a placeholder for the new one which has just been finalized.

Here's a link for the whole Site with the new banner: HERE

And the Individual banner is here (for Sam): HERE


Tuesday 13 May 2008

TWoSM #7!

That's right. Two Weeks of Small Media has rolled round again. The theme this (two) weeks was a tricky photo manipulation using This image.

My entry consists of:

The sensible version.


The LOL version.

I don't expect to win, as neither of these are that great, but I'm giving the contest a shot as always!

And if I have to choose between the images... What one should I enter? :P

Expect updates when the voting begins and the winners are announced!


Halo Wars Addict Sneak Peek

Well finally, I've personally been able to get around to doing Halo Wars Addicts graphics. None are up yet, however theres a wallpaper thats just been uploaded and submitted to wincustomize. However until it's approved, you're not having it!

However, until it is approved and linked here ill give you a few sneaky peeks at the work we've done so far. Bare in mind that the logos below have been manipulated just for this wallpaper. The final logo will look similar, but far more swarve.

Click Here for Preview 1

Click Here for Preview 2

I'll be editing this post, and the forum post at HWA once the wallpaper has gone through QA.

All the best,


Saturday 10 May 2008

The Goal Of RogueImagery.

OK, we've been around a few weeks now and we've made a pretty big impact on the OS Customization scene. Already hitting 5th best Object Dock skinner on Win Customize for last week and reaching a 1500 downloads so far. We've got alot more content yet to be finalized, tested and finally sent for approval, so keep an eye out for them soon.

Our Goal for the time being is to create over 3000 individual images for OS customization before the end of August. Within those 3000 we want to throw in a couple of Windows themes (for use in windowsblinds) A few Linux themes and possibly a few OSX themes. We've also been asked to do a few Icon Packs so you may even be treated to some icon packager content.

For now, me and Josef are going to head back to work and get the next batch ready for approval.

For now, take care.


Friday 9 May 2008

Wallpapers Galore!

A few new wallpapers, sporting different OS's logos, are soon to be added to our WinCustomize page. But for now, you can check them out on my deviantART page:

  • Windows
  • Mac OSX
  • Linux

This post will be updated with links when the content is approved.


Wednesday 7 May 2008

RogueImagery General Update.

Well boys and girls, it's been one week of hard work. Fortunately, that work has paid off. We're now 1000 downloads strong, and has been rated the 5th most downloaded ObjectDock artist on the site! In other news Joe lost the least appreciated design contest known to man, TWoSM, to a blind (In the most design orientated use of the word) emo ninja.

Well we're taking a breather this week, to work on a new content pack and to work on some new Ubuntu Linux Icons, So look out for them in the coming week.

Many Thanks,


Monday 5 May 2008

New Content Pack Shipped...

Well you read the title correctly...We've just shipped a new content pack this morning! We've been hard at work on this pack for the past 3 days and it contains a few pre-release Icons too, Enjoy!

Links will be updated as they get approved.

[Update]: Yesterday we were the 18th most downloaded designer on the whole site, Not even a week in and we're making quite an impact.

Best regards,


ConsoleHeroes TWoSM Competition [UPDATED]

Well, just recently at the video game site that is has re-started a 'Two Weeks of Small Media' contest. The theme for entries was, a piece of media that suited the sites theme. I entered with a pack of consoleheroes icons, and now the voting has begun to decide on a winner.

Voting is being held HERE.

My entry (Which is avaliable for download) is HERE.

Any votes are appreiciated. Wish me luck!

[UPDATE] Results are in and... I didn't win. Next time maybe...


Friday 2 May 2008

RogueImagery Begins Distributing Content! [UPDATED]

Well as the title says, RogueImagery is now distributing content around numerous websites. The past week we've been hard at work getting certain ObjectDock packs created and tested.

So far, the following have been submitted to WinCustomize:

Now Some are still awaiting approval, but as they get approved we'll link them in this post.

Update: All are now Live, just awaiting approval on a new Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Icon.

All the best,


Wednesday 30 April 2008

Currently Under Construction - A Graphic Design Blog is currently undergoing preperations so the blog will run smoothly.

Many Thanks
