Saturday 10 May 2008

The Goal Of RogueImagery.

OK, we've been around a few weeks now and we've made a pretty big impact on the OS Customization scene. Already hitting 5th best Object Dock skinner on Win Customize for last week and reaching a 1500 downloads so far. We've got alot more content yet to be finalized, tested and finally sent for approval, so keep an eye out for them soon.

Our Goal for the time being is to create over 3000 individual images for OS customization before the end of August. Within those 3000 we want to throw in a couple of Windows themes (for use in windowsblinds) A few Linux themes and possibly a few OSX themes. We've also been asked to do a few Icon Packs so you may even be treated to some icon packager content.

For now, me and Josef are going to head back to work and get the next batch ready for approval.

For now, take care.


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