Monday 5 May 2008

ConsoleHeroes TWoSM Competition [UPDATED]

Well, just recently at the video game site that is has re-started a 'Two Weeks of Small Media' contest. The theme for entries was, a piece of media that suited the sites theme. I entered with a pack of consoleheroes icons, and now the voting has begun to decide on a winner.

Voting is being held HERE.

My entry (Which is avaliable for download) is HERE.

Any votes are appreiciated. Wish me luck!

[UPDATE] Results are in and... I didn't win. Next time maybe...



Brighton said...

Just so you know Joe, it was a 7-7 tie between you and dan. It was also a very tough judging. Good luck in TWoSM #7!

Josef said...

Yeah, I imagined it was pretty close... XD

Thanks man!